In the sewers of Marada, a long time ago, there lived two hobos, a Mordo and a Leido. They spent their days rummaging through trash, finding items to give the Sewer Monster in exchange for money. Although not much, it was enough to feed them at the local diner each evening. Then each night they would return to their makeshift hut, warm and fed and happy in each other's company.
However, one day while searching the sewers, they came across a sparkling white plushie. At once the Mordo recognised it.
'An Enchanted Random Plushie,' he exclaimed, 'With this I can become royal and leave the sewers forever. Rich beyond my wildest dreams!'
But the Leido knew of the plushie's power and warned his friend not to use it. Their lives were pleasant as they were now - they should not be greedy. However, the Mordo could not look past the vision of a rich and glorious future and so he used the plushie when the Leido turned his back. A shrill cry was heard, and when the Leido turned back to his friend, instead of a hobo - or even a Mordo - he saw a sludgy grey creature; a dreaded, filthy, disgusting Kay.

With eyes in awe and no time to spare, the Leido returned to the shack, plushie in hand, and held it out for the Kay.
'Dear friend,' he said, 'take this plushie and become rich like you always wished to be.'
But when the Kay saw the rotten Leido, his tattered clothes and his bindle gone, he felt selfish and cruel. He took the plushie from his friend and thanked him greatly, but instead of using it himself, he rubbed it on the Leido's shell. With one great flash of light the Leido vanished and in his place a proud, clean Chibs stood, with wings the size of the hut.
'Friendship is all I should have asked for,' said the humbled Kay. 'And you, who asked for nothing, who helped someone so selfish, deserve all the riches of the world.'
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