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Monday, 3 October 2016

Marapets Story: The Shaved Pucu

The Shaved Pucu

Once upon a time, there was a lonely featherless Pucu who lived in Dukka Town. For years he had lived alone, after his owner had shaved him and disowned him.

Every day, from his tiny cave, he watched the other Pucus flying around the town with magnificent feathers of red, blue, yellow, green - every colour of the rainbow. It made him sad to look at his own pink skin, unable to remember what colour his feathers had been.

One day he plucked up the courage to approach the other Pucus - fed up of being lonely with no one to talk to. However, when he drew close, the other Pucus looked at him and laughed to each other. 'Go away, you strange looking bird. We don't want to play with a creature like you'.

Feeling ugly and ashamed and with tears in his eyes, the Pucu dove into the water and swam away into the Dukka Caves, deciding to live the rest of his life as far from the beautiful Pucus as possible. For days the Pucu travelled. He walked past pirate ships and pyramids, tropical islands and graveyards - even craters of green goo - for he could not fly on featherless arms. Finally, weeks later, he came to rest at the edge of the world where he could live out his life alone as the ugly shaven bird that he was. He sat by the edge of the water, looking out into the sea of emptiness, then finally succumbed to the feelings of loneliness inside him and wept, the tears draining away into the sea.

'Why must I be so ugly? Why must I be so different? Who could have hated me so to take my lovely feathers away from me?'

Although his voice was soft, his cries of desperation were carried away in the cores of his tears. They drifted down into the water, further and further, to a place where no creature should ever hear them. Except one.

A magical mermaid named Pleon was tending to her bubble pit when the sound of the Pucu's cries reached her ear. She searched frantically for the saddened soul, her heart breaking from the sound of his despair. She found him sitting by the edge of the world, his tears ringing louder and louder until it hurt her.

From deep below the water, she took pity on the poor bird. With all the power she could muster, she changed the tides and pulled the Pucu from the shore and dragged him way out to sea.

Above the surface, the Pucu flapped and spluttered, trying to keep from sinking. He had no feathers to fly into the air with and the tide was becoming stronger and stronger. Finally, he was pulled under. Pleon carried the Pucu through the waters until she reached her home of Jenoa. With one final tug on the waves she took the Pucu to a sacred place - a whirlpool with magical powers.

'I cannot guarantee what happens,' she said as she threw the body of the Pucu into the whirlpool, 'But may you never feel sadness like this again.'

At one with the water, Pleon's words were heard by the whirlpool and they knew the Pucu's struggles. The whirlpool filled with rays of light and when the Pucu emerged again on the surface of the water, he looked down at himself and began to weep with happiness.

'Oh, thank you,' he cried, 'I can never repay your kindness. You have been a friend to me and I shall never forget this.'

Unsteadily at first, but with growing ease, the Pucu lifted himself into the sky on wings of rainbows. He was the most magnificent Pucu, with the softest and the brightest feathers, ever seen. From then on, the Pucu travelled to many lands and made many friends, but he never forgot the kindness of the mermaid, and never once returned to the dreary place of Dukka Town.

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