
Looking for Something?

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Theme 2 - Smile {Sai x Sakura}

For the third time that evening Sakura slammed her head onto the desk in defeat. How could such a simple task be such a hard thing to do!? Sakura couldn’t understand it.
Sat across from her on the other side of the desk Sai tilted his head, a Cheshire-cat-like grin on his face.
“Am I not doing it right, Ugly?”
Sakura’s eye twitched slightly as she raised her head from the table, a large red bruise forming on her forehead. She looked at the mad attempt of ‘a comforting smile’ on his face, then face-planted the table again.
She spoke, her voice distorted by the wood of the desk,
“Sai, you’re supposed to be welcoming them, not scaring them away.”
His face faltered then dropped back to its default expression of impassiveness. He rubbed a hand on the back of his head – a gesture he had learned from Naruto to mean one is embarrassed.
“Sorry, Sakura, I guess I just wasn’t brought up to show emotions.”
She gave a great sigh and sat herself up again, resting her head in one hand. Running a strand of pink hair through her fingertips she said,
“Well that may be, but if you don’t learn to smile without looking like a demon you’re never going to be able to complete your mission.”
Sai dropped his hand to the table.
“I don’t see what the problem is. How does my expression affect my mission in the slightest?”
“Do that smile again.” As Sai reproduced the same Cheshire-cat grin Sakura reached into her shorts and pulled out a pocket-mirror, holding it up for Sai to see his reflection.
“You’re looking after a bunch of first-year academy students. You’re going to scare them witless looking like that.”
Sai studied his reflection for a moment then said blankly,
“What’s your point?”
Sakura slammed her head onto the desk for the fifth time that night.

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